Announcing the Sakura Cycling Festival

The “Sakura Cycle Festival,” a combined cycling event in the Sakura area of Fukuoka Prefecture, will be held on Sunday, March 19th.


Various cycling-related events will be held, and participants are invited to participate in the  “Tour de Asakura” long ride as well as the mountain bike race, a “Short Cross Country Two-Hour Endurance Race & Kids’ Race”.


Date: March 19th (Sunday)

Venue: Kirin Brewery Fukuoka Factory 

Official website: Asakura Cycle Festival


To Apply:

Tour de Asakura 

Short Cross Country 2-hour Endurance & Kids Race


For inquiries, please contact:

The Asakura Cycle Festival Executive Committee (Asakura Tourist Association)

TEL: 0946-24-6758