An online seminar “Understanding the Tour de France” to be held on June 29th | マイナビ ツール・ド・九州2024

An online seminar “Understanding the Tour de France” to be held on June 29th

Hosted by the tournament’s consulting partner, Institut français Kyushu, an online seminar will be held to introduce the world’s largest bicycle race, the Tour de France.


Thursday, June 29, 2023, 17:30-19:00

Speakers: Kimihiko Nagata (President, Nagata Global Partners), Kensaku Kurakata (Associate Professor, Faculty of Language and Culture, Kyushu University)

Free of charge, advance registration required (first 500 people, application deadline 6/26)


From Fukuoka, Dr. Kensaku Kurakata will talk about the history, rules, and other aspects of the eventa, while Kimihiko Nagata will speak online from France about the local situation, economic effects, role of sponsors, benefits to local governments, and participation fees.


Dr. Kimihiko Nagata:

“The Tour de France has a sports business aspect, sponsored by private companies since the first race 120 years ago. As the world’s largest bicycle race, it is a road race that is established through the investment and cooperation of many companies and municipalities due to its international exposure and name recognition.”

Dr. Kensaku Kurakata:

“I am a light fan of the Tour de France, having watched it on TV (and computer) since the 100th edition in 2013, and I hope to trace the evolution of the 120-year history of the Tour de France in the context of French culture, and to explain the rules and highlights in an easy-to-understand manner even for first-timers.”


Pre-register HERE

You can enter the room 10 minutes prior to the webinar start time.




  • Kimihiko Nagata


President, Nagata Global Partners

Adjunct Lecturer at INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, France)

Kimihiko Nagata specializes in international business management, sustainable business management, global leadership, and human resource development. He graduated from Seinan Gakuin University with an MBA (EM Lyon) and has been conducting research, consulting, and educational activities around the world for more than 20 years, mainly in Europe and Asia. He is the author of “The Virtues of Japan that the World Loves” (Discover Keisho, 2012), “Practice of Japanese Thinking'” (JMA Management Center, 2023), and many other online media and columns.


  • Kensaku Kurakata


Kensaku Kurakata received his PhD in Literature from the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, at the University of Tokyo. After working as a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, he is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, at Kyushu University. He specializes in modern poetry with a focus on Verlaine. He wrote the book “Caricature de yomu 19 seiki french shinjin jiten” (co-author, published by Hakusuisha, Ltd.)