“Kumamon” has been appointed as the leader of the Mynavi Tour de Kyushu 2023 Cheering Squad! | マイナビ ツール・ド・九州2024

“Kumamon” has been appointed as the leader of the Mynavi Tour de Kyushu 2023 Cheering Squad!


(Note: Kumamon is a popular bear mascot character representing Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan.)

The organizing committee of the Mynavi Tour de Kyushu 2023 has established the Cheering Squad with the aim of enhancing the event’s atmosphere and excitement. Kumamon, renowned as the Sales Manager and Director of Happiness Department in Kumamoto Prefecture, has been honored with the role of leading the Cheering Squad. In conjunction with the “Mynavi Tour de Kyushu 2023 Cheerleaders,” who will also contribute to the vibrant spirit of the event, an inaugural ceremony was held to commemorate the formation of the Cheering Squad and to officially present Kumamon with this new position.


The Kumamon captains, along with their supporting team, will actively participate in various events, media appearances, and support projects leading up to the Tour de Kyushu, scheduled for October. Their first assignment is to take part in the Hakata Dontaku Parade, which will be held in Fukuoka on May 3rd, a national holiday.

The city of Fukuoka will be updated with the parade team details. This collaboration between Kumamon and the parade team aims to create a memorable experience for all attendees.

In addition, there are plans to recruit members for the cheering squad. There will be two categories: (1) general squad members and (2) cyclist squad members. These members will work alongside Captain Kumamon to enhance the rally’s excitement starting from May 3rd. Detailed information about the recruitment process will be announced on the event website and the official Twitter account (@tour_de_kyushu).

By involving enthusiastic individuals as part of the cheering squad and engaging the public through various events and media platforms, the Tour de Kyushu is sure to be an exciting event for participants and spectators alike.