Spectating locations for the event revealed!


New Content Added to the MyNavi Tour de Kyushu 2024 Website!


  1. Spectating Spots Revealed

  2. Addition of KOM Point in Oita Stage

    • The Oita Stage now includes a new KOM point at “Yamauchi.”
    • → Spectating spots for the Oita Stage
  3. Special Website for Okagaki Town and Munakata City

    • To commemorate the MyNavi Tour de Kyushu 2024, special websites have been created for “Okagaki
    • Town” and “Munakata City.”
    • A link banner has been added to the stage details page for the Fukuoka Stage.
    • Fukuoka Stage Stage Details Page
  4. SDGs Menu Released

    • The MyNavi Tour de Kyushu 2024 is engaged in various initiatives for a sustainable future in Kyushu.
    • The SDGs menu introduces various efforts being made or participated in by the event.
    • SDGs (Make Kyushu Sustainable)
  5. Crowdfunding Introduction